Who Choses Whom?

Mar 3, 2013    Click "Link" to watch video    Romans 9-11

March 3, 2013-Pastor Dan tackles one of the most controversial subjects in church history. Based on Romans 9-11.

"I have been attending church for 38 years but while there, I have never heard a single sermon on this passage of scripture or even on the topic it adresses. Opinions diverge so strongly on the subject matter of this passage that it has split churches, formed denominations and separated parents from their children. For over 2000 years this has likely been the greatest theological minefield in the Christian faith. Many pastors have lost their jobs over this subject matter. So let's dive in..." - Pastor Dan

Finally, the question of the ages is answered by a simple pastor in the little town of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Who would have thought that it all came down to this? Predestination or free will...Calvinism verses Armenianism... find out the answer for once and for all... here... (ha ha!). Actually, this is a honest look at a tough passage of the Bible that simply asks the question - "What does God want to teach us from this portion of His word?" May you be challenged by the answer and may you respond as we did - in worship.

***Click 'Link' to Watch Video***