Dennis Pottage
Dennis Pottage along with his wife Karen retired in Moose Jaw after Dennis resigned as the Superintendent/CEO of the River East Transcona School Division in Winnipeg. Both Dennis and Karen had careers in education with the majority of their time being spent in Regina. They have two married children and four grandchildren. Dennis has had many years of experience on church boards and both Dennis and Karen have worked with Leader Impact Ministries including two mission trips to
Cali, Columbia, and Panama City, Panama. They enjoy an active life style especially cycling
and travelling.
Cali, Columbia, and Panama City, Panama. They enjoy an active life style especially cycling
and travelling.

Glen Lonie
Glen Lonie, along with his wife Donna, retired in Moose Jaw after 25+ years of pastoral ministry. After graduating from seminary in 1987 they moved to Drayton Valley, Alberta where they planted a new church. In 1993 they moved to Strasbourg, Saskatchewan where Glen was lead pastor of the Strasbourg Alliance church for over 20 years. They have five married children. Some of their interests include travel, reading and cycling. Glen has had many years of experience on church boards and committees as well as civic and political boards. Glen and Donna have been attending Victory Church since 2015. They are committed to the ministry of this local church and seek to be available
wherever there is a need they can meet.
wherever there is a need they can meet.

Kyle Matthies
Kyle and his family began attending Victory in 2015 and have been involved in several ministry areas during that time. Kyle and Kirsten have five teenage and young adult daughters and have been married for 27 years. Kyle works in health care administration and enjoys spending time as much as he can outdoors hiking and fishing.

Micah Adams
Micah Adams has served on our board since 2011. Micah has been an active member of VCMJ for many years and currently serves on one our worship teams. He has lived in Moose Jaw for over 20 years and has been married to his wife, Carley, for 19 years and together they have three sons and one daughter. His passions are music and football (when he gets chance to watch it!) and he enjoys
travelling around the world!
travelling around the world!

Jason Johnson
Jason Johnson has served on the board since 2015. Jason has been an active member of VCMJ for 7 years, currently helping in Detour and Level-Up ministries. He farms in Assiniboia along with his wife Rilene of 18 years, and their two sons Ethan & Peyton. Jason enjoys many outside
activities, especially if he can do them with family and friends.
activities, especially if he can do them with family and friends.

Larry Gerow
Pastor Larry Gerow has served in Victory Churches for over twenty years. He and his wife Donna have been involved in 5 church plants and after 7 years as senior pastor felt the call to come and assist the ministry at VCMJ and have been associate pastors here ever since. They have 4 grown sons and 7 grandchildren and have also had the privilege of raising 7 teenage boys from Sudan along with a house that always seems to have lots of folks around the dinner table. Pastor Larry has served on several church boards in the past prior
to serving on the Board at VCMJ.
to serving on the Board at VCMJ.
Jesse Bourassa
Pastor Jesse and his wife Julie were senior pastors in Northern Alberta for eleven years before moving to Moose Jaw in July of 2023. They have a passionate commitment to living out the fullness of the Gospel every day. Pastor Jesse has a Bachelor of Theology from VBCI and has a vision to bring the Word of God to life in a real and authentic way.